October 21, 2014

Water Play

Water Ripples - Zion National Park

I love the interplay of light and water. I've made "classic" long exposure film images like Velvet Reflections and, more recently, digital-based abstractions like Reflections #17. And I'll continue to make those types of images as the inspiration arises. But, on this trip, I'm exploring water across different lighting situations, camera angles, and shutter/aperture settings.

In the image here I'm playing with my 100mm Zeiss Planar at f5.6 and exposures in the 1/250th range. I'm trying to isolate wind spun ripples in a certain type of light with limited depth-of-field. The image is handheld (and not sharp throughout) as I'm exploring rather quick subtle changes in position relative to the water and available light.

I don't love this image. It's fair and not quite what I'm after. But it's teaching me things. And that's the point. There's a cycle to this stuff. Experiment, try, fail, learn, try again, succeed. You might have to cycle it a few times before you get to the success part. But make no mistake, it's the way things work. It's a proven methodology both your great grandfather and the latest psychology self-help book will agree on.


If you want to live your life in a creative way, as an artist, you have to not look back too much. You have to be willing to take whatever you’ve done and whoever you were and throw them away.

Steve Jobs
