
January 26, 2013

Hello Bend, Oregon

<a href="/images/craft/2350-lemhi-pass-large.jpg"></a>It's never easy to say goodbye to one phase of life and hello to a new one. But that is what 2350 NW Lehmi Pass represents. Starting in June. A new life, in a new home, in a new town, in...

November 23, 2012

High Sierra Cascades

<a href="/images/craft/mountain-stream-trails-large.jpg"></a>On a day (Black Friday) when people across the country are tromping through shopping malls, I post an alternative view. Within this image, I can still hear the cascading water, sm...

November 19, 2012

Mobile Photography as Art?

Digital Photography Review's new Connect site, which focuses on mobile photography, ran a recent article "<a href="">Mobile photography finds a pla...

October 20, 2012

Richard Koci Hernandez on modern photography

A thought provoking <a href="">video essay</a> by the Emmy winning, Pulitzer Prize nominated, UC Berkeley professor, strongly counters the naysayers who lament pho...

July 24, 2012

American Craftsmanship on the Wain

A thoughtful essay on <a href="v">craftsmanship</a> from Louis Uchitelle for the NY Times. A point that resonates with me: ...craftsmanship is, if not a birthright, then a vital ingredient of the American self-image as a can-do, inventive, ...


It's not the time in your life, it's the life in your time.

Bruce Springsteen