
January 26, 2013

Hello Bend, Oregon

<a href="/images/craft/2350-lemhi-pass-large.jpg"></a>It's never easy to say goodbye to one phase of life and hello to a new one. But that is what 2350 NW Lehmi Pass represents. Starting in June. A new life, in a new home, in a new town, in...

November 23, 2012

High Sierra Cascades

<a href="/images/craft/mountain-stream-trails-large.jpg"></a>On a day (Black Friday) when people across the country are tromping through shopping malls, I post an alternative view. Within this image, I can still hear the cascading water, sm...

November 19, 2012

Mobile Photography as Art?

Digital Photography Review's new Connect site, which focuses on mobile photography, ran a recent article "<a href="">Mobile photography finds a pla...

October 20, 2012

Richard Koci Hernandez on modern photography

A thought provoking <a href="">video essay</a> by the Emmy winning, Pulitzer Prize nominated, UC Berkeley professor, strongly counters the naysayers who lament pho...

July 24, 2012

American Craftsmanship on the Wain

A thoughtful essay on <a href="v">craftsmanship</a> from Louis Uchitelle for the NY Times. A point that resonates with me: ...craftsmanship is, if not a birthright, then a vital ingredient of the American self-image as a can-do, inventive, ...


Too often, attempting to represent the sacred in nature is maligned as being naive or simplistic, and is said to be unchallenging and visually unsophisticated. This need not be so.

Christopher Burkett